What I Think: Nostalgia
Hi. So I had a brief look on the internet for this quote but I couldn't find it. This is likely because I don't have a rich vocabulary as the kind of people that come up with these ideas but whatever. "The aim of life is to return to childhood." - Someone. I read or heard somewhere once I am obviously paraphrasing but this is the gist of what the quote was. I got to thinking about that idea a lot today and I drew some interesting conclusions about naivety in relation to general well-being. Here goes: When we are young, everything is magic. The latest Telstra ad really captured the idea of magic in a nutshell. Okay, so Telstra didn't come up with it (obviously) but they made me aware of it as I watched some ads in a cinema once. The actual quote, it turns out, is attributed to Arthur C. Clarke . Basically, what I took from this is that magic is the essence of what we don't understand. When we don't understand something, it sits at th...